We Need You!

  • Music teachers
  • Volunteers
  • Donations of musical instruments
  • Donations of cash or stock
  • Donations of the proceeds of eBay sales
  • Think of us when you order from Amazon

We are continuing and expanding our existing programs and planning new ones and are greatly in need of musical instruments - strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion, pianos, keyboards, drums. Please consider helping us by sponsoring the purchase of an instrument or donating ones in good condition you no longer use. Many children as well as the community will benefit from the opportunity to enhance their lives through the power of music.

We're excited that eBay sellers now have an easy way to contribute to Jake's Music through the MissionFish charity option connected with eBay, which has added Jake's Music to its list of charities that sellers can designate to receive all or part of their sales proceeds. The Charity Ribbon in eBay's search feature gives added visibility to sale items while helping buyers see immediately when a listing is for charity. All you have to do is to click eBay's dropdown bar under Donate Percentage of Sale, select Jake's Music and choose the portion of the proceeds that you wish to go to us. It's deductible!

Did you know that if you make your Amazon purchases by starting at www.smile.amazon.com instead of the main site Amazon will donate 0.5% of every purchase to the charity of your choice? Designate Jake McGuire Foundation Inc. to receive Amazon's donation.

Thank you for your interest and generosity.

If you'd like to get involved, please contact us at:
Telephone: 202-262-7536
E-mail: jmcgsavage@gmail.com

Make checks payable to:
Jake McGuire Savage Foundation

Mailable to:

Jake McGuire Savage Foundation
1717 K St. NW Suite 600
Washington, DC 20006